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Radu: III

Instrumentation: solo cello, solo bass clarinet, plus 3 cellos and 1 bass clarinet

Duration: 5'30"

Year: 2010/2023

The 3 non-solo cello and 1 non-solo bass clarinet parts can played on a backing track, which is available for download.

The full 3 movement cello quartet edition of Radu is available here.


Score & parts: $50

Program note:

Radu was composed in memory of Radu "Billy" Buciu (1947-2009).  “Uncle Billy,” as we all knew him, was not only my father-in-law’s brother, he was also one of the most musical people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, without being a professional musicians himself.  It is safe to say that Uncle Billy knew more about the interpretation music than most musicians I know.  A remarkable human being, to say the least.  His passion for music was unparalleled and seeped its way into every conversation I had with him.  He argued with much passion of different interpretations of music and was a truly inspiring individual.  Radu is in three movements, with each movement representing a different version of hope that Billy always had, even when dealing with the inevitable outcome of his battle with cancer.  Radu was originally written for four cellos, however, I have extracted the final movement and arranged it for solo cello and bass clarinet, plus three cellos and one bass clarinet on digital playback, as Radu: III.  I am most sure my beloved Uncle Billy is listening and will find a way to give me his opinion on my/his Radu.



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